The Editor of Bee Craft is ultimately responsible for the content of all advertisements.
Advertisements considered inappropriate may be rejected at the discretion of the editor.
Advertisements must be sent to the appropriate advertisement manager by the published copy date. They should:-
- Comply with the ‘The British Code of Advertising Practice' published by Advertising Standards Authority, C1/AP Committee, Mid City Place, 71 High Holborn London WC1V 6QT tel 020 7492 2222.
- Be legal, decent, honest and truthful and not in contravention of the Trades Descriptions Act, 1968.
- Give the name and address of the advertiser together and goods should be available for inspection at that address.
- Include any postage, packing or other delivery charges.
- Give the 'price + VAT', the 'price including VAT' or the 'price with no VAT applicable'. Quoting a VAT percentage is not acceptable.
- In support of BBKA policy, advertisements for live bees or queens bred outside the UK are discouraged. Any such advertisements must make it clear where the bees are bred.
Bee Craft Ltd will not be liable for any loss or damage consequential or otherwise occasioned by error, late publication or failure of an advertisement to appear from any cause subject to the provisions of the Unfair Contract Terms Act, 1977. The advertiser will indemnify Bee Craft Ltd against damages or expenses which the company may incur as a direct or indirect consequence of an advertisement. The Advertising Standards Authority can advise on the acceptability of advertisements if requested.
Orders placed as a result of an advertisement in Bee Craft should be delivered within 28 days, else the customer told when dispatch will take place. When goods are paid for in advance, they can be returned by the customer within 7 days of receipt providing they are undamaged and the money paid refunded by return. The postage refund may be given if the goods returned are damaged or do not fit with the description. A credit note should not be sent unless requested.
On failure to receive goods advertised in Bee Craft, the customer should write to the advertiser first giving details of where and when the advertisement appeared, how much money was sent, for what items together with any other relevant information. If no reply is received within 28 days, the customer should write to the advertisement manager or the editor with the details. When money has been sent in advance and the advertiser has subsequently gone out of business, Bee Craft Ltd carries no protection on any money lost by the customer. No protection is given either to customers when individuals place advertisements in the classified section.
Payment terms are monthly for display advertisements and cash with order for classified advertisements. No advertiser should be allowed to have an account outstanding for more than 3 months. If this happens, further advertising is withheld until payment is made. Should this produce no response the advertiser will be informed, by recorded delivery post, that the matter will be pursued through the small claims court if no payment is made within 7 days.
For further information, please contact our Advertisements Manager via [email protected].
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